(360) 915-2497

1944 Pacific Avenue, Suite 306
Tacoma, WA  98402



Characteristics of a Dysfunctional Family

Dysfunctional Family Characteristics

Systems theory therapy is very useful is diagnosing and helping dysfunctional families. A family passes through predictable stages and develops methods of taking care of its members and coping with environmental demands. Members of dysfunctional families can become locked in self-perpetuating pathological patterns during a transition. Common characteristics of such families include the following: — One or more symptomatic members. — Blurred generational boundaries. — Confused communication patterns. — Overprotection. — Enmeshment, lack of autonomy or privacy. — Denial of conflict except as it involves symptomatic member. — Inability to resolve conflict. — Submerged tension. — Scapegoating. — Low toleration for stress and physical illness. — Fragmented, disjointed, isolated individuals. — Noncohesive, noncommittal, pseudo-closeness. — Schisms, with two or more alliances in conflict. — Skewed relationships, isolation of one family member. — Extreme positions by all members in an effort to differentiate. — Lack of respect for individual differences. Dysfunctional family therapy could be the answer for you.

Family dysfunction may seriously interfere with children’s developmental processes. Parents in such families are usually immobilized by pain from their past, fear of the present, and resistance to change. Call (360) 915-2497 to speak with a therapist in Tacoma WA today!